Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mirrored Aviator Sunglasses

Without a doubt the coolest sunglasses today are vintage aviator sunglasses. But what is the coolest style of aviators? Mirrored aviators. Nothing is more slick than mirrored aviator sunglasses set in a pair of silver frames. They match with any clothing and sparkle in the sun like water. Do you have chrome rims on your car? Wearing mirrored aviators while driving with some chrome rims goes together better than any other sunglasses. Face it, wearing those cheap plastic colored sunglasses to match your car just isn't cool. Not only do mirrored aviators look cool, they provide better protection from the sun than any sunglasses I've ever worn. While wearing a pair of mirrored aviator sunglasses, you can almost look directly in the sun(though I don't recommend it). Sunglasses just don't get any darker than that! That is what makes mirrored aviators the best, not only are they the coolest looking sunglasses that exist but they provide better protection than any other sunglasses. Go ahead and get your self a pair of vintage mirrored aviator sunglasses, you won't regret it.